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Teeth Whitening at Stricklandgate

A whiter smile can sometimes boost your confidence, especially if you feel self-conscious about the colour of your teeth.

Take Home Whitening

Stricklandgate can offer home whitening trays in order for you to get that whiter smile. You'll receive custom-made home-whitening trays and enough gels for two weeks. Based on your desired shades and current condition of your teeth, you and your Dentist will choose from the following options:​

DayWhite is perfect if you want to wear trays for as little as possible during the day. You wear the trays for 30 to 90 minutes and see results in as little as two weeks.

NiteWhite allows you to whiten overnight while you sleep, so you don't have to deal with whitening trays during the day. NiteWhite also gives noticeable results in two weeks and is available in different strengths.

Zoom Whitening Lamp

As well as being able to offer at home whitening courses, we also offer in house whitening treatment with Phillips Zoom!

With Philips Zoom! in-practice teeth whitening, you can unlock a smile up to 7 shades whiter in just 60 minutes. The added bonus? You get outstanding results with little to no sensitivity. Following an intial consultation with one of our Dentists, you will then be able to book your whitening appointment with one of our experience hygienists.

The procedure is simple. It begins with a short preparation to cover your lips and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed. We will then apply the proprietary Zoom! Whitening Gel, which is designed to be used with a specially designed light. The Zoom! Light and gel work together to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up stains and discolouration. With proper care your smile will sparkle for years.

Stricklandgate Dental Practice
For more information on Dental Implants or to book an consultation today - Call 01768 865744

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