Stricklandgate Dental Practice
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Sedation at Stricklandgate

We are delighted to be able to offer a conscious sedation service for your patients. This could be to help overcome their anxiety regarding dental treatment or to make a more involved procedure more comfortable for them to tolerate.

At Strictly Dental we provide IV (intravenous) conscious sedation using midazolam. We aim for our patients to be sleepy and relaxed, although able to respond to simple commands quite often they cannot remember what has happened during their treatment. Throughout the procedure and during the recovery period they will be closely monitored by our highly trained staff. When they are ready for discharge they will need to be accompanied by an adult escort and travel home by private transport.

Sedation is carried out by fully trained and experienced seditionist Anna Vincent and a specialist sedation nurse/treatment co-ordinator Jelena Jurina, this is in addition to a trained dental nurse and another dental surgeon if required.

Sedation is suitable for almost all dental procedures including restorative, oral surgery and dental implants.

Who can have conscious sedation?

We aim for the highest standards and patient safety is our priority, with this in mind there will be some patients that are not suitable for conscious sedation in this setting. However, patients that are generally fit and well, ASA I & II are likely to be suitable candidates.

Assessment Appointment

All patients need to undergo a sedation assessment to determine their suitability for treatment by this modality and to formulate and consent to a treatment plan.

At this appointment, your patient will be assessed in a standard way using an assessment checklist. Standardised checks will include the patient’s blood pressure, oxygen saturations, height and weight.

Using the referral form and clinical findings, the sedationist will assess your patient’s level of anxiety, their level of co-operation, the invasiveness of the intended procedure, their previous dental experiences and their current dental needs prior to formulating an appropriate treatment plan.

We will give detailed and comprehensive written advice and instructions to your patient and carers, ensuring that they are fully informed and able to consent to the proposed treatment plan (including the proposed sedation strategy).

Each patient will be given a clear explanation of the options available to them and any associated risks.

After treatment

A description of the treatment which has been carried out will be sent by letter to the referring dentist.

Any changes to the treatment which became necessary during the treatment session can be made clear at this time. Any further clinically important information which may be needed by the referring dentist will be made accessible on request. Radiographs and any other documentation provided by the referring dentist will be returned.


  • Free consultation with Treatment Co-ordinator
  • IV Sedation assessment appointment - £50
  • IV sedation per treatment appointment - £200 excluding treatment fees

Can you refer?

If you have a aptient you would like to refer please contact us for a referral form which you can then complete and send to us, we will contact your patient as soon as this is received to arrange a sedation assessment appointment.

Please include an up to date medical & drug history along with any relevant radiographs.

Please check the following before referral:

  • The patient is over 16 years of age (In certain circumstances sedation may be considered for suitable adolescents).
  • The patient is ASA I/II (If you are unsure we will assess this further ourselves)
  • The patient weighs less than 21 stone (This is due to the weight limit on our chairs).
  • The patient has a responsible adult who can act as their escort to the treatment appointment and arrange patient's care for the following 24 hours.
  • The patient is aware they are being referred for treatment under conscious sedation NOT general anaesthetic.
  • If the patient is being referred for orthodontic extractions, a copy of the specialist orthodontist's treatment plan and relevant radiographs have been enclosed
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